The sightings are true. Every spring at Doheny State Beach, Menehunes are waking up from their long winter naps and are beginning to surf again at Doheny Beach. What’s all the ruckus about? They are simply getting ready for the 14th Annual Doheny Longboard Surfing Associations Menehune Surf Championships scheduled for June 26th.
The contest begins promptly at 7 AM and is open to boys and girls (menehunes) with divisions 8 and under up to 17 years of age. Hundreds of young competitors are expected to participate. Applications and additional information can be picked up at local surf shops throughout Orange County, California or downloaded from the Association’s website at: www.dohosurf.org.
"The annual Menehune contest provides the perfect venue for kids who want to get involved in a friendly surfing competition. We can all learn from the enthusiasm that they bring to the beach, it's contagious”, said Nyles Schafhauser, President of the Doheny Longboard Surfing Association.
Proceeds from the contest help fund several of the organization's ongoing charity outreach programs including the Ronald McDonald House and the Doheny State Park Interpretive Center, located at Doheny State Beach.
The Menehune Championships has a long history of supporting charities, in addition to providing a fun-filled day at the beach for participants and observers alike. The event will feature auctions, raffles and music throughout the day with an awards ceremony following the end of the competition. Nyles Schafhauser further states, “Surfing is all about having fun. We hope that kids will cherish their time spent on the beach with their fellow surfing friends and families.”
Surfers will compete in 15 minute heats. The scoring is based on a 10-point system that integrates wave selection, length of ride, surfing moves and style. Judges are all Doheny Longboard members who have a long history of working within this type of scoring system.
For more information and to find out how you can be involved as either a surfing Menehune or as a volunteer, please email contestdirector@hotmail.com, or call (949) 581-9740 the event chairperson.
The Doheny Longboard Surfing Association is an organization comprised of individuals dedicated to the enjoyment of board surfing in a clean and natural environment. In relation to that philosophy, the DLSA will act as a support group to other organizations with similar views and objectives.
PR contact: Denny Michael at DLSA10@hotmail.com