19th Annual Dale Velzy Surf Classic and Luau this weekend at Doheny State Beach.
The Doheny Longboard Surfing Association's (DLSA) annual Dale Velzy Surf Classic and Luau will be held this Saturday, September 20th, at legendary Doheny State Beach, Dana Point, California.
“Down at Doheny where the surfers all go” is a famous line from the Surfaris' tune about the surfing life-style. Nothing could be more true than this Saturday when the 19th Annual Dale Velzy Surf Classic features a classic longboard surf contest, a traditional Luau with Polynesian dancing and a live band.
The event honors one of the most famous surfers and surfboard shapers of all time, Dale Velzy. DLSA has had the honor of producing this venue for 19 years and has continued its homage to Dale Velzy since he passed away in 2005. This event is open to the public and is for all surfers who enjoy the same things that Dale enjoyed; having fun with friends and family. It is in this spirit that DLSA holds this annual event so that everyone can enjoy the surf contest, luau, dancing under the stars and having a great time at Doheny.
The event kicks off with the surf contest at 6:30 a.m. The Luau festivities begin at 3:00 p.m. followed closely by the Polynesian review, awards ceremony, raffles and then on to the dancing. It’s great fun for everyone.
For Luau information, tickets and group rate discounts contact Jack Sutter at seastheday@cox.net
For Surfing event information and sign ups contact Mark Calkins at mc250c@aol.com
The Doheny Longboard Surfing Association is an organization comprised of individuals dedicated to the enjoyment of board surfing in a clean and natural environment. In relation to that philosophy, the DLSA will act as a support group to other organizations with similar views and objectives. PR contact: Denny Michael at dlsa10@hotmail.com